gtag('config', 'UA-211850294-1'); Becca Haeger – MARS

Journal / LIFE ON MARS / Becca Haeger

BECCA  | @beccahaeger

Name: Becca Haeger

Occupation/ Business/ Creative outlet: Online Manager and Buyer for Black Box Boutique

Starsign: Aquarius

Favourite Number: 7!!!

First thing you did this morning: FAT then coffee (@fitnessalltogether)

Products found in your bathroom cabinet: 30 day miracle toner, Drunk Elephant serum, Aesop sage and zinc hydrating cream everyone needs this, Vitamin C face spray, colloidal silver, a variety of face masks and a wheat bag.

If you could only use one piece of makeup what would it be? Nars brow gel

Three ingredients always in your kitchen cupboard? Coconut oil for cooking and for my skin! Cacao powder and always fix&fog peanut butter

If you were on Masterchef what would be your 3 dream Mystery box ingredients? Tempeh, peanut butter and maple syrup!

Dream job when you were 5? I wanted to work at the zoo so I could play with the monkeys :)

Currently reading/ listening/ watching? Just finished reading Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine and definitely recommend!

The first album you ever bought? Now9 and I still have it

Best song to dance to? Anything by Gwen Stefani

Favourite form of movement/ exercise? Fitness All Together with Nikki and Elliot, so fun and so nice exercising outside. They also do free yoga, which is amazing! This isn’t a promo

Go to karaoke song? Amy Winehouse - Valerie

Nighttime rituals? I always love a hot cacao drink and my seaweed night cream

Sunrise or sunset? Sunset

Dance party or dinner party? Dinner party yum

Favourite smell? Maison Louis Marie No.4

Pet peeves? When people toot...shut up

Death row meal? Nachos with guac and CHEESE

This time last year, I wish I knew... That oreos are vegan

Last text you sent? “We should watch a movie and have cake” haha

Last google search? Watch Leaving Neverland free online

Best piece of advice you’ve been given? Ask more questions and listen longer! Wise words from my Mum ❤


Thanks Becca!

Becca wears her own clothing including Mars Pilot sunglasses in black and Green glitter barrettes.