Journal / LIFE ON MARS / Sophia Frankish
SOPHIA | @sophiafrankish
Name: Sophia Frankish
Occupation/ Business/ Creative outlet: Student and Model
Starsign: Cancer
Favourite Number: 19
First thing you did this morning: lay in bed with mon chat, then showered
Products found in your bathroom cabinet: face masks, cleanser, exfoliating glove, moisturiser, all that basic stuff
If you could only use one piece of makeup what would it be? Mascara
Three ingredients always in your kitchen cupboard? Rice, pasta, bread <333
If you were on Masterchef what would be your 3 dream Mystery box ingredients? I’m really only learning to cook now, due to having the food palette of an appallingly picky 5-year-old. Probably some garlic, ginger and lemon. I’m noticing these are staples for a good feed
Dream job when you were 5? A su-per-mod-el (read in SZAs singing voice)
Currently reading/ listening/ watching? Obviously I’m listening to Lana Del Reys new album, reading textbooks (cry), and I just finished watching Derry Girls so I’m compiling a list of shows to binge when I finish exams
The first album you ever bought? Probably a Now CD back in the day, I didn’t really listen to music till I was 15ish
Best song to dance to? Old Britney Spears gets everyone going
Favourite form of movement/ exercise? A long walk or hot yoga
Go to karaoke song? Probably something ABBA
Nighttime rituals? At the moment, I'll do me teeth and a sub-par skincare routine, then jump into bed and watch Netflix or some satisfying videos on youtube (like blackhead extractions, nail painting, hair removal), I LOVE NIGHTTIME
Sunrise or sunset? Easily sunset
Dance party or dinner party? Dinner party, I love having potlucks with friends
Favourite smell? Miss Dior. I don’t wear it but some close friends do so its like getting a warm hug from them
Pet peeves? All of the standard slow walkers and arrogant people of course, but for something more juicy, I hate being tired all day, getting cosy in bed then not being able to sleep, like?? what??
Favourite sandwich? A humble cheese toastie hits the spot, otherwise a chicken and avocado sammy goes hard too
Death row meal? Teriyaki chicken sushi platter and heaps of cookies
This time last year, I wish I knew… That I will love university
Whats one thing everyone can do to reduce their carbon footprint? Take small steps and just being conscious about it really does make a difference. I'm no expert but some ideas I’ve picked up are to use public transport, recycle properly, buy second-hand or sustainably made clothing, avoid single-use plastic (like food wrap) and eat less meat!
Last text you sent? have you got enough wine xx
Last google search? Leonardo DiCaprio young (#exposed)
Best piece of advice you’ve been given? This feeling will pass
Thanks Sophia!
Sophia wears her own clothing with some of her favourite Mars Pieces: Stesso Sunglasses in Forest, Oyster necklace in black